Sunday, September 9, 2012

Melanie Meets Jesus.

This past Tuesday, I lost someone who I was very close to- my Aunt Melanie. I was leaving my house to go babysit when I saw that my brother was calling me. I answered the phone, not knowing that that call would change my life. I said "Hello?" in a chipper voice.. Andrews voice was fast and shaky. "Aunt Melanie killed herself". I was in the middle of an intersection. Its like I forgot what to do to turn around and go home. I had not processed what he told me. I immediately began calling other family members to tell them the news while I was on my way to Aunt Melanie's house. I was driving down Old Dawson and ambulances came flying up behind me. They were going to MY aunt. I lost it while driving. I still had a hope that she was alive. I turned my flashers on and chased the ambulances. I was determined to get there before them. I did not want anyone taking her away from me.
When I arrived at her house, I saw two ambulances, several police cars, and family members standing in her front yard hugging and crying. Neighbors began to flock to the house screaming "Thats my best friend, thats my best friend". Neighbors were talking about how they had just talked to her the night before and also that morning. I became sick to my stomach. The first person I saw was my Aunt Beccy. We hugged and cried, shook and cried some more. This went on for hours and hours, as family and friends were still showing up to the house. The preacher asked our family to stand in a circle for a group prayer. The preacher started the prayer and asked others to chime in. I prayed after the preacher did... and then tears began flowing once Tod started praying. "Lord, i want to thank you for giving Melanie to me. I want to thank you for teaching me to love through Melanie. I want to thank you for the wonderful son that I recieved through melanie. I want to thank you for the friends you have brought me through Melanie. I also want to thank you that Melanie is now healthy and smiling up in Heaven." WOW. About 9:30 we headed to my grandparents house to wait for my cousin Nathan (Melanies son) to arrive from school. We got back to our house a little after midnight.
Since that night, everything has been a blur. We have spent a great amount of time at Tod and Melanies house just spending time together as a family. I am amazed at the amount of people who have brought food, flowers, sent text messages, tweets, and phone calls. We are all so thankful for all that everyone has done. Visitation was on Thursday night... and it was rough to say the least. There was a slide show playing of pictures of Aunt Melanies life. Aunt Melanie was 1 out of 5 children. Five years ago her brother took his own life, and last year her identical twin sister took her life. So it was hard seeing pictures of the family knowing that all three of them are no longer with us. I had to walk out several times during visitation to escape reality of what was going on inside. After visitation was over, we went back to Tod and Melanies house-which it is hard being in her house now because my aunt had a distinct smell (Clinique White Linen). We sat around and ate and talked of sweet memories of my Aunt Melanie. The funeral was Friday morning at Byne. The preacher did a wonderful job focusing on the good times of my aunt and not all the struggles that she went through. Tod also spoke and had everyone in tears. My Uncle Tod must be the strongest person I know. Aunt Melanie was one lucky lady to find a man like him.
Aunt Melanie may have gone through struggles in her life, but she had the biggest heart out of anyone that I know. She loved to send cards. I recieved one weekly while I lived in Valdosta, and several while I lived in Augusta. The picture posted above is the last card that she sent me. A few years ago I recieved a phone call to meet her at Starbucks. When I got there she stepped out of her beautiful BMW with a cookie cake box in her hand. She opened it up and the cake said "HAPPY MONDAY". Aunt Melanie cared about other peoples happiness more than her own. Her neighbors talked about how she would put flowers in their mailboxes, goody bags hanging from their doors, and knew everyones birthdays. Hearing all these stories makes me want to be like Aunt Melanie. She was the most non-judgemental person that i know. She was so easy to talk to, because I knew she would never judge me. We had a way of connecting at family gatherings.
I have lost family members before, but I have never lost anyone that I was close with. It was hard sitting in church this morning. I kept looking at "her spot" waiting to see if she would walk in. I kept thinking that I would smell her and know that she had arrived. Aunt Melanie has taught me alot about life, that I do not think anyone else could have taught me. She has taught me not to judge. She has taught me the power of just one compliment. She has taught me what it is like to have a mental illness. She has taught me how to be patient. She has taught me how important it is to be sensitive to peoples needs. She has taught me to try and look past my insecutities. She has taught me about the power of prayer. Aunt Melanie will be missed...but I know that she is in a place of  "no more sorrows, no more pain". I can only imagine the smile that she has on her face now.

I love you, Aunt Melanie.

Im asking everyone to continue praying for her husband Tod and her son Nathan. I know what it feels like to lose an aunt, but I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lose a mother and a wife.


  1. Praying without ceasing....I'm so sorry to hear of this sad news. Prayers for healing and comfort during this time. For all of you.

  2. Thank you, Mandy, for such a sweet tribute to Melanie. She truly loved you, and I do too.

    Uncle Tod
