Saturday, April 30, 2011


In ONE week from today, I will officially be a college graduate! It is so hard to even imagine that my "school years" are finally coming to an end. This year seems like it has taken forever for it to end, but looking back these past 4 years have flown by!

Right now I am having a million emotions running through my mind... excitement, fear, relief, nervousness, anxiousness, scared, determination, laziness, sadness, but what I am feeling the most is excitement.

Im excited to say Ive completed college on time.. not many people do now. Im excited to see where life takes me next.. Im excited to get my career going..Im excited to go back to Albany to be around my family, anthony, and friends.. Im excited about volunteering with Phoebe.. Im excited im done writing papers and studying every night.. Im excited to get away from roommate drama.. Im excited about having free meals every day now :) .. Im excited to see where the Lord leads me.

Even though Im so excited, I have alot of thing I fear. Im scared of leaving my best friend Mechelle. Im scared of being "in the real world now" Im scared of paying my own bills.. Im scared of not finding an internship right away.. Im scared of what its going to be like moving back in with the family (not that I do anything bad, but Im so used to being on my own and not have to answer to anyone) Im scared of dreams being shattered.. Im scared of my brother moving, hes like my best friend.. Im scared that I am dreaming too big!

Im trusting the Lord to work out every detail of my future. He has already blessed me beyond measures with a family, boyfriend, and friends who are so supportive of me and my career goal of becoming a child life specialist. The Lord has also been showing how good he is with every detail with me finding volunteer hours and possible internships. Its almost crazy how well everything has been going!

Im very excited to start the "week-long countdown" , and cannot wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

  1. You can never dream too big! Congratulations! It's a wonderful accomplishment!
