Make a Difference Monday
Since Tomorrow is Valentines Day, I figured today would be a good day to do my Make A Difference Monday about my boyfr
iend, Anthony.
Anthony and I have been together for several years now.
We have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. But it has done nothing but make us stronger.
Alot of people dont know the "real" Anthony. He is tender-hearted, caring, loving, romantic- yes, he writes poems :) , and makes me laugh all the time.
I met Anthony my freshman year of college. It was when I was going through a really rough spot in life, and he is one of the people who showed my that life was worth living. We had so many deep conversations where he made me realize how special I am.
Anthony is not just my boyfriend, but he is one of my best friends. It is so nice to be able to call him when I am having a rough day and just vent and vent and then listen to his advice. If I am having a bad day, he will do whatever he can to try and put a smile on my face.
Our entire relationship has been long distance. So we are getting pretty used to this, finally! It is always so exciting to come home and see each other for the first time in a while! I still get butterflies.
This boy has turned my life around and I will forever be grateful. It takes a special person to put up with me and all my blonde moments, emotional moments, and serious moments. I am so thankful he has been able to put up with it all :)
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