This weekend I had a special visitor come to Valdosta... my brother :) He didnt come to see ME... even though I like to think he did, he came to stay with his friend Walker. My brother was nice enough though to include me by inviting me to eat with him, and Walker, and a girl named Aleesha. We all had a blast just sitting around and talking Saturday night. I had to be a party pooper and leave around 10, because it was passed my bedtime!
The love of my life, Chanel :)
Anyone who meets my dog would fall in love with her. I have to be careful about inviting my dog to go anywhere I go because I never know if she will annoy others, or just get in the way, but I think there was a reason I took her to Walkers this night. Aleesha has moved from Iowa (away from all her family and friends) to go to school down here. She has been having a rough time in Valdosta trying to adjust to certain situations, but the second she saw Chanel her eyes lit up! She said she had a Peek-a-poo at home in Iowa that she never gets to see anymore. She asked me if she could hold Chanel and Chanel stayed in her lap the entire night! She told me over and over that this is the happiest she has been in MONTHS, all because of my dog! She even texted her mom to tell her about Chanel and her mom called so excited that Aleesha was actually happy! I was excited to bring happiness to someone!
Sunday after church, Andrew and Walker came over here to grill hamburgers. Me and my roommate invited ourself to eat with them. I think this was one of the first times I have EVER seen my brother cook before (and it was quite an interesting experience!)
Me and my brother are so close, I can honestly consider him one of my best friends. He is trying to decide between UGA and VSU for school next year, even though the smarter choice would be to choose UGA, I am praying he comes down here so I can have my "brudder" around anytime I want!!
***PS: Sunday I started feeling HORRIBLE!!! I cant breathe, cant hear, got the sniffles and a fever... I got a text today saying that my new friend Aleesha has bronchitis, laryngitis, and pneumonia!! Guess thats where I got it from! So be in prayer for me and her both to start feeling better :)
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